It seems that most people are taking some sort of a daily vitamin with added supplements these days. Some are even supplementing their diets with added minerals, fiber and healthy fats. But which ones should they take and how much? What products should they buy? Testing your blood is really the only true way to know and every person is different. Supplements are good when used with common sense, when supported by a healthy diet, and by selecting a quality product but not consuming it in excess. When you visit your grocery store, pharmacy, or health food store, you will see each nutrient separated by category mostly in singular form. Just stroll down any health supplement aisle, and they are all in alphabetical order ranging from vitamin A to Z (zinc). All nutrients are important but only when teamed together, not in singular form. Each is necessary for the body to function. They are only effective when supported by all the other nutrients. In a way, individual nutrients are more like individual musicians, each with different instruments, playing together in an orchestra to achieve that perfect goal of harmony. Playing solo is great, but there is nothing like a full symphony playing together to fill a concert hall with perfect music.